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The programme completed in January 2019.

Work completed to dateWork completed to date Delivery Delivery 
Work completed to date

Exam access arrangements (info)

Following endorsement by the General Board's Education Committee's Examination Review, the current application process for exam access arrangements in CamSIS has been streamlined so it is easier and clearer for staff in Colleges to submit applications. Additionally, it includes automated notifications about the outcomes, removing any delays. The new functionality will offer better management reporting and data auditing. Finally, the paper-based application for food, seating and medication arrangements is also now on CamSIS so Colleges can now apply directly for any additional requirements for the main examination room.

Delivery Dec 2018
Work completed to date

Graduate offer making and graduate confirmations

Delivery Dec 2018
Work completed to date

Exam enrolment and verification (feasability study)


Delivery Lent term 2018
Work completed to date

User roles and approvals (info) phase two

A new online access request form replaced the PDF CamSIS User Registration form on 22 May for requesting, amending and removing users' access to CamSIS.

A new audit tool was introduced on 13 March to support Approvers in completing the user audits twice a year. 

Delivery May 2018
Work completed to date

Change in circumstances and leave to work away (info) phase one

Introduction of notification emails to students and reviewers and improved functionality for administrators reviewing applications on CamSIS.

Delivery Mar 2018
Work completed to date

Academic Structure simplification (info)

Work to convert 45 million student records to a simplified Academic Structure on CamSIS completed successfully and on schedule, with the new structure introduced on 20 February. This work will significantly simplify record keeping and improve the integrity of reporting across the different student types. 

Delivery Feb 2018
Work completed to date

Student record cleansing 

As part of the project to simplify the Academic Structure which goes live in February 2018 (info), the accuracy of tens of thousands of historic and current student records, and therefore the integrity of reports used around the Collegiate University, has already been improved.

Delivery Dec 2017
Work completed to date

Undergraduate flexible test result upload (info)

The Cambridge Admissions Office imported test result data for over 10,000 applicants in under two hours for their admissions assessments in November using the new File Parser functionality in CamSIS, which also enables presenting full assessment data in reports for staff in Colleges which was not previously possible.

Delivery Oct 2017
Work completed to date

User roles and approvals (info) phase one

All administration staff now have standardised CamSIS jobs which has improved both support and the user registration process.

Delivery Aug 2017
Work completed to date

Fees setup improvements (info)

  • Funding process quicker and more transparent for departments
  • Quicker for the Student Registry to set up fees as there are now 695 to setup rather than 6,448
  • Administrators in Colleges will have a reduced waiting time to see fees automatically calculated by CamSIS, because the batch fees calculation process will take nine hours rather than 72 and can take place overnight.
Delivery Aug 2017
Work completed to date

New user interface pilot (info)

College and Degree Committee administration staff are now using new task-based homepages which users report is making some high-risk tasks much simpler. Rollout to more users is planned in the future.

Delivery Jul 2017
Work completed to date

Upgrades to the system platform and application  

The platform and application upon which CamSIS operates are now the latest versions and a significant amount of customisation has been removed. This has enabled user-facing improvements to CamSIS functionality which will be introduced later in the Programme. The University is ahead of other leading universities in starting and successfully completing this work.

Delivery Feb 2017

Weekly releases

We release fixes and new features every Tuesday morning during the vulnerable period. The system remains available unless explicity stated below.

Vulnerability periods

Every Tuesday and Thursday between 06:00-09:00 is designated as a vulnerable period, meaning CamSIS may be briefly unavailable at any time as a result of system maintenance.

More significant work may take up the whole of the vulnerability period. Emails are sent to the CamSIS bulletin list with specific timings closer to the date.

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